3-Part Live Virtual Training Session for Your Business Development Team
Let’s get started with a 3-part virtual live training series to initiate behavior change and get your business development and marketing teams on the same page about what it takes to overcome consensus decision making, compressed selling timeCompressed Selling Time Technology has enabled people to glean more education and insights without the assistance or guidance of salespeople. A 2020 Gartner study demonstrated that 83% of the prospect’s buying journey is completed before the salesperson is invited in. Less selling time prohibits effective investigation of need and trust building, putting all sellers at a disadvantage and making “selling” all about responding to requests, reacting, and order taking., and commoditizationCommoditization Absence of any perceived value, making it so that price becomes the only determining factor. Whether there is real differentiation or not, if the prospect’s brain cannot or will not distinguish this differentiation, it doesn’t matter..
This series is designed for principals and key leadership, business development, marketing, and sales teams.